The timely and accurate operation of the payroll facility is paramount to every business WeAccountants helps businesses to provide efficient and reliable payroll services. We manage the payroll function for companies from small to mid- enterprises and across a wide range of industries.

We offer a flexible approach which enables us to customise our service to see your individual businesses requirements. Because of the diverse range of experience at WeAccountants office we can successfully deliver a payroll solution for your company. We ensure that your payroll solution is complete and compliant with employment and tax legislation.

Our payroll services Included:

 Administration, processing and reporting including real time filing with HMRC.

 Fully auto-enrolment compliant.

 Production of payslips, P45, P60 (including email payslips).

 Year-end reconciliations and documentation.

 Stand-alone payroll quotations.

 Umbrella PAYE provides business and freelance subcontractors.

 Payroll for self-employed subcontractors working in the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).